Bird's Nest Cradle


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Quick Specs:

  • Age Group: 5 – 12
  • Capacity: 5
  • Footprint
    The dimensions of the structure itself
    : 28′ 5″ x 20′ 8″
  • Use Zone
    Includes the free space required around the structure for it to be used safely. This area must have safety surfacing.
    : 28′ 5″ x 20′ 8″
  • Fall Height
    The height from the highest playable surface to the safety surfacing.
    : 3′ 4″
  • Comes in a single rope color
  • Galvanized steel post with black post cap
6-8 Weeks

Children will snuggle up together to socialize in the Bird's Nest Cradle. Designed as a social gathering spot, this swing features a large surface for multiple children to fit at once. As too many kids can equal too much movement on a something that swings freely, the support posts and ropes allow for small movements. This design allows for the upmost safety as kids play. The open nature of the seat also allows for reading and relaxation. For those children that learn best in nature, this saucer above the group provides a wide area to comfortably engage in more mentally inclined activities.

The gentle movement and social benefits make the Bird's Nest Cradle an excellent therapy tool. It works well with both social therapy and play therapy. For those that would like to use it in a less formal setting, it encourages children to talk and reflect while keeping them at ease. While not particularly challenging, it undeniably fulfills the role of a quieter type of play area.

The sturdy construction will allow it to weather through years of use. The hammock style dish is made with the same durability as other Netform rope products. The galvanized steel posts on either side are sure to withstand the elements especially with their post caps that keep the weather out.

Encourage imaginative play by adding the Pirate Tower or Catwalk Adventure Bridge to your overall design. For even more challenge, check out the X-Pyramid.

Age Group:
Ages 5-12

Less than 10

Rope Color:
Black, Blue, Green, Green/Sand, Red, Red/Blue, Sand, Silver, Yellow

Fall Height:
4 feet

Mounting Option: