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Quick Specs:

  • Age Group: 5 – 12
  • Capacity: 20
  • Footprint
    The dimensions of the structure itself
    : 17′ 11″ x 17′ 11″
  • Use Zone
    Includes the free space required around the structure for it to be used safely. This area must have safety surfacing.
    : 29′ 11″ x 29′ 11″
  • Fall Height
    The height from the highest playable surface to the safety surfacing.
    : 10′ 10″
  • Comes in a single rope color
  • Galvanized steel with black post cap
6-8 Weeks

Excitement pushes past normal limits with the X-Pyramid Climber. Featuring four distinct walls of bouyant rope, there are eight climbing surfaces for children to explore. The flexibility of the steel ropes that make up the overall structure creates a somewhat bouncy surface for climbing. Even though the ropes outline a distinct grid that might appear easy to climb, it presents a challenge to experienced and new climbers.

Standing at almost 14-feet at its tallest point, the X-Pyramid Climber encourages growth. Children become socially engaged with each other while trying attempting to scale any of the eight surfaces. Children might stop to talk while hanging off of ropes or play games as they scuttle over the structure. Physically, supporting body weight with upper body strength and working against gravity are some of the most difficult activities for children or adults to do. They also reap the largest pay-out when children successfully reach their goal. Finally, cognitively, the entire construct is a bit of a puzzle. Children have multiple options as to which direction they head, but they need to reason out why. Younger children will need to consider where hands and feet are placed while older ones will have the greater challenge of trying to be the fastest.

Constructed out steel and polyester, this climber is sure to last. The center-most post is an 8-inch diameter steel post with a cap to keep the elements out. Attached to it and leading to the ground are 16mm Netform ropes with high-density polyethylene fasteners. The ropes themselves are made up of 6 strands of steel and an inner fiber that are then wrapped in a cocoon of polyester fibers. The outside of the cord is then coated in a latex bonding agent. Adding the latex strengthens the rope from abrasions.

If children are interested in shorter heights, check out the Mini X-Pyramid. For a more relaxed experience, add the Bird's Nest Cradle that encourages social interactions. And for those that want to create another imaginative narrative while working on their balance, the Catwalk Adventure Bridge provides those experiences.

Age Group:
Ages 5-12

10-25 Kids

Rope Color:
Black, Blue, Green, Green/Sand, Red, Red/Blue, Sand, Silver, Yellow

Fall Height:
11 feet

Mounting Option: