Turtle Climber


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Quick Specs:

  • Age Group: 2 – 5 years
  • Footprint
    The dimensions of the structure itself
    : 5′ long x 8′ wide x 3′ high
  • Use Zone
    Includes the free space required around the structure for it to be used safely. This area must have safety surfacing.
    : 18′ x 20′
  • At home in a fitness park or a classic playground design
  • Comes in red, green, and blue
8-10 Weeks

Kids will love the friendly Turtle Climber from Sportsplay. It's fun and easy to climb design is great for youngsters that are just learning. The aluminum shell of the turtle is powder coated green. Additionally, it features various footholds and handholds for various levels of skill. Similarly, take time to examine the front and back of the Turtle Climber. On opposite ends, you can actually see that there are various holes, for even younger children who are unable to jump up to the bigger holes on the shell. Subsequently, this will allow children of various ages to get in on the fun with this friendly turtle.

Age Group:
Ages 2-5