Pike's Peak


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Quick Specs:

  • Age Group: 5 – 12
  • Capacity: 3 – 4
  • Footprint
    The dimensions of the structure itself
    : 7′ L x 8′ W x 3′ H
  • Use Zone
    Includes the free space required around the structure for it to be used safely. This area must have safety surfacing.
    : 19′ x 20′
  • Fall Height
    The height from the highest playable surface to the safety surfacing.
    : 3′
  • Comes in a beautiful granite finish with a simple rope climber on one side
6-8 Weeks

Take the ladder up to the top of Pike's Peak on the playground. Made up of a Small Granite Boulder with a rope ladder, this simple play structure is great for younger children. Some kids are natural climbers scaling door frames, stairs on the wrong side, and even trees from a young age. Others, however, take a bit longer to warm up to the idea. They are much happier when their feet are on the ground. Pike's Peak is a gentle way for them to begin to explore leaving the ground. Standing at 3-feet high, they never reach a height capable of real damage. This gives both care takers, parents, and the children themselves the confidence to give climbing a try. As they become better at it, it might be a good time to graduate onto other structures like the Mount McKinley, but they can start at Pike's Peak.

All NatureROCKS Boulders require pouring of a 12" thick concrete pad reinforced with rebar, prior to installation.

Age Group:
Ages 5-12

Less than 10