Mount Hayden


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Quick Specs:

  • Age Group: 5 – 12
  • Capacity: 6 -7
  • Footprint
    The dimensions of the structure itself
    : 7′ L x 16′ W x 5′ H
  • Use Zone
    Includes the free space required around the structure for it to be used safely. This area must have safety surfacing.
    : 19′ x 28′
  • Fall Height
    The height from the highest playable surface to the safety surfacing.
    : 5′
  • Comes in a red sandstone finish with a rope climber
6-8 Weeks

Rise to the top on the Mount Hayden playground climber. Made up of glass fiber reinforced concrete, the Medium Sandstone Boulder and a tree post support two ropes. Two main ways to play will immediately strike children: scoot across on the ropes or climb to the top of the boulder. However, the longer they play, they'll begin to come up with different ways to grasp the ropes and climb across. Then they'll find new routes up the face of the sandstone boulder. For more imaginative kids, they might create stories of them being animals in the wild or at a zoo. Others might be the explorers on their own adventures. The rock structure will inspire them time and time again on different ways to play.

For a larger climber, check out The Rockies.

All NatureROCKS Boulders require pouring of a 12" thick concrete pad reinforced with rebar, prior to installation.

Age Group:
Ages 5-12

Less than 10